Begonia winter home useful tips for caring

Useful Tips for Caring For Begonia Winter Home

Homemade begonia from year to year can delight the eye with their unique personality and various bright color palettes. These plants are chosen to decorate homes, as well as individual plots. After all, flowers do not need much attention.

The change period of the year, however, affects the plants. They also suffer from winter depression due to lower temperatures, lower daylight. If left untreated, flowers will begin to wither, and the sick will die.

Flower Arrangements

NOTE: Begonia is an annual or perennial plant with an enormous number of varieties that vary in shrub size, leaf shape, color range of flowers, and growth type. Among the begonias are the most common flowering, decorated bracts, and tuberous groups.

Flowering begonias are densely covered with various flowering shades: white, pale yellow, orange, pale pink, scarlet, bright red. The texture of the flowers is terry and semi-double.

Decorative leaf varieties are distinguished by a juicy green shade of leaves, which have different sizes and shapes. This species does not have beautiful, decorative colors.

Tubar begonias grow up to 50 cm in height; have a strong stem and large double flowers. Tuberous varieties are used for outdoor and home cultivation.

Home Nursing

In winter, the plants are dormant; this is an important condition for further development, the ability to bloom. Each species has its winter characteristics. This variety of begonias does not have a specific dormancy period. They grow well all year round. But with the onset of winter, it is necessary to lower the room temperature to + 16 ° C and reduce watering.

It will grow extremely at a temperature of + 22 ° C, and higher the plant needs enough water. However, due to the short daylight hours, the elastics stretch out and have a pale color. Therefore, it is wise to keep begonias at a low temperature in winter, with minimal watering.

Plants should be placed on a well-lit windowsill. , extra light at this time will not hurt. It would help if you also took care of additional light sources. The flowers do not feel well near the stems. Insufficient humidity causes the leaves to dry out. It is better to put the plants away from heat sources or cover them with a wet cloth that increases the room’s humidity.

When watering, make sure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves. It can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

You cannot transplant, propagate Begonia in winter. A disrupted flower root system during the cold season is quite difficult to rehabilitate. The development of diseases is possible.

Read more about home begonia care here.


Winter In The Apartment: What Is Needed?

Decorative flowering species do not require certain conditions … The parameters for them are the same as for deciduous forest decorations:

Low room temperature;

High humidity;

It is necessary to water the soil after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried completely;

Exclude rooting and transplanting.

Some varieties bloom all year round; they do not need preparation for the winter season. Just add, if possible, a little artificial light and provide the nutrition of the winter with minerals (how to feed Begonia, it is said here). It will ensure a continuous flowering process.

Cold Season Care for Different Species

Knotted flowers are grown outdoors and in flower pots on window sills. And below, we will look at how you can save them. This type of begonias has an apparent dormancy, but the garden and houseplants overwinter in different conditions.


. At the end of November, the plant’s tubers are carefully dug out of the open ground.

. Cut off the stems and do not leave more than 2 cm. Shake the rest of the soil and send it to dry in a warm, dry, ventilated room.

. After 10-14 days, dried tubers are placed in a ready-made box for further storage. The optimum temperature and humidity for the natural preservation of natural material will be within + 10 ° C and 80% humidity.

. Tubers are found in natural substrates, sand, or peat, which is recommended to be moisturized regularly.


If the begonia tuber grows on window sills, it is not removed from the flower pots before winter. … For the smelter to gain strength and energy for further development, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions:

Go to a dimly lit place in the house.

. Lower the temperature to + 15 ° С.

Water every 10 days

. Hold moisture 60-70%.

. Do not apply fertilizer.

Do not grow or multiply plants.

. If the leaves and stems do not fade over the winter, you do not need to cut the Begonia.

. Insulate the Begonia pot so that the flower root system is not too cool.

Choose the Right Place

IMPORTANT: The main task of storing Begonia at home is to maintain the necessary moisture in the room. In dry climates, tubers can dry out; with high humidity, there is a possibility of rot. The best limits are in the range of 70-80%.

Suitable places to properly protect beginners:

Basement or cellar … Tubers are stored in containers with sand, sawdust, or soil mixture. Samples should not touch each other and be surrounded by a soft pillow.

Refrigerator … Here, the tubers are placed in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation, sprinkled substrate. You should save the bag in the vegetable drawer. Regularly, it would help if you inspected the tubers for fungal diseases, mold, and rot.

The best winter option for interior begonias in flower pots, insulated loggias, balconies, basements, heated greenhouses, the coolest places in the house.

Watch a video of conserving knotted oystercatchers in winter:

How to meet in the spring?

In early March, plants wake up from hibernation.


Tubers should be removed and left in a warm room for a while to warm up.

Then treat the tubers with potassium permanganate solution.

. Before planting in the ground, it is recommended to germinate in wet sawdust or sand.

If buds have hatched on a medium-sized tuber, they can be divided into several parts.

Treat the parts with ash.

. When frosty nights in spring are no longer terrible, tubers of begonias are planted in open ground.


. In the first days of spring, houseplants are moved to the lightest window of the house.

Gradually, they begin the irrigation process again and gradually increase the ambient temperature.

. Before the active growth stage begins, the plant can change the soil. It is easy to find out if flowers are needed: the root system has filled the pot’s entire space. Begonia should be planted in a flowerpot with a larger diameter than the previous one, Do it carefully and carefully? There must certainly be a drainage layer at the bottom of the container.

In the spring, begin to give the flowers little by little. It is especially true for plants that are not transplanted.

. The soil is in should enrich mineral fertilizers.


In general, begonias’ winter storage process is not difficult; even a novice florist can easily cope with it. The main thing to remember: proper storage of begonias in winter is the key to healthy growth and excellent flowering in summer.