Broccoli soup

Broccoli soup: How to make it at home?

Broccoli soup is delicious and healthy. It is a healthy lunch that will give you energy for the afternoon. It is the best source of minerals, vitamins, beta-carotene… At the same time, the caloric content of cabbage is no more than 28 kcal per 100...

Apple jam for the winter

Apple jam for the winter

Apple jam is a delicious preparation for the winter, which can be spread on toast, eaten with fresh bread and tea, and used to make various pastries – pies, pies, rolls, and buns. It perfectly complements pudding, pancakes, and cheesecakes. However, this delicacy is not...

pecan nuts good

Pecan: Are pecan nuts good for you?

Pecan; why its health benefits? Calorie content and composition of pecans. What benefits can the body bring with the components of an exotic nut? Who better not to eat them? Culinary produce: how it is consumed and processed. And these are not all the valuable...

blue clay wrap

Blue clay: Anti-cellulite blue clay wrap

Blue clay; how apply my body? Recipes of hot and cold cellulite with blue clay. Rules of use and contraindications for the use of Cambrian clay. Anti-cellulite Blue Clay Wraps are treatment methods that aim to eliminate edema, rejuvenate and smooth the skin. In just...

Patriarchy in the history

Patriarchy in the history of mankind and the modern world

Patriarchy; what is? Leading characteristics, differences in Patriarchy. Gynecological diseases in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Russia. Matriarchy is the first known form of government, which includes the power of women in society. At home, this refers to situations where the wife takes care of everything...

Fried shrimp in soy sauce

Fried shrimp in soy sauce, how to cook?

Fried shrimp in soy sauce, how to cook in a pan at home? Features, technology, and secrets of the court. Step-by-step recipe. Of course, frying shrimp is not the healthiest way to cook it. However, this is such a delicious dish that it is impossible...

eat right in the winter

Winter eat: How to eat right in the winter?

Winter eat, how you do maintain? Learn how to manage your diet during the winter to avoid excess fat accumulation. In winter you feel completely different than in summer. And the issue here is not only the need to wear great clothes. Sometimes we even...

Sea buckthorn Harvesting

Sea buckthorn Harvesting for the winter

Sea buckthorn is a radiant, sunny, and one of the most useful berries that shower long and delicate branches of trees and shrubs. Nature has added large amounts of vitamins and nutrients to every golden berry. This is the richest source of all… The trees...